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Berlin’s Water

Water  - an important resource that people need to live and that surrounds Berlin in sufficient quantity. This important resource must also be protected for future generations. On the following pages you will find interesting and useful information on how you can help us to protect the environment.

As for drinking and household use our water needs no further treatment. Our sophisticated waste water treatment, the large water conservation areas in the city, as well as the soil layers which clean the water in a natural way, ensure good groundwater quality. In our waterworks we reduce only the amount of contained iron and manganese, which affect the taste and the water colour, but are not hazardous. No chemicals are added. This means our drinking water is 100% natural.

We pay special attention to the management of our natural resources. This includes the near-natural water treatment, groundwater enrichment and the thorough cleaning of wastewater, which flows back into the natural cycle after use.

The German consumer organisation "Stiftung Warentest" recommends that the residents of the capital city should rather drink tap water than bottled water. The content of minerals, in particular magnesium - is higher than in many tested mineral and table waters. Furthermore, Berlin's water is of a higher quality than stipulated by the German Drinking Water Ordinance.